Hiya! Thanks for stopping by 🙋

We’re happy as clams you’re interested in working with us. Pleased as punch! Happy as pigs in… well, you get the picture. If you’re a writer who kicks butt, takes names, then has a snack so you can dive right back in and keep stirring things up, we’re going to get along just fine.

The goal of this doc is to give you a sense of our core communication values. Any interaction with a customer is a great opportunity to connect with a person, as a person.

You know how when you’re at a party with people you don’t know, it can be hard to strike up a conversation, but you pull up your socks and put on the charm? In Landas Customer Service it’s way easier because you and the customer already have something in common - our super neato product that the customer has personalized with their own cherished memories. Mutual interest and emotional connection built right in. Boom.

The tone we try to achieve with our customers is friendly, personal, fun, and resolution-oriented. We want to put our customers immediately at ease because we’re super on top of our nonsense, and we’re also delightful to interact with. Ideally, our customers will walk away thinking, “Wow, that was simpler than I expected, and that rep was really freakin’ cool.”

Landas CS is built on a set of saved replies that our reps should be able to use for about 80% of their responses. They have to tweak these and add some personal touches, and of course there are a proportion of messages that we can’t respond to with a saved reply. The goal is for our Copywriter to encapsulate our core tone and values so well in those saved replies that the vibe is spread to what our reps write from scratch, too.

So, all this mention of values… bullet point them for you, you say? Well, the doc abides.

Landas communication is:

Here are a couple examples of the sort of thing we have in mind. We’ll only share two because we’re really interested in seeing what you bring to the table. The idea is innovation, not just propagation. But this is sorta what we’re about...

Customer Message

I've been wanting to get into real estate since I was 13-14. My parents were...not smart about their finances. Their $10,000+ credit card debt made me avoid credit like the plague. That, combined with life making it difficult to save up for any kind of down payment almost made me give up that dream. Then Landa came along. Thank you. Seriously.

Our Answer

Thank you so much!!! We are so happy that we have you  in our community and we thank you for your support and pushing Landa forward in it’s early days. Landa is made with ❤️ for people like me and you, from human to human.
